The Facite main objective of is to promote and develop an economic and financial environment in Kazakhstan using blockchain technology, Solar power station being the main objective of the project of a sustainable and attractive investment valued in a way that seek the improvement in social and economic life in general because the advantages will be multiple from the social and economic point of view, seeking to innovate technologically and seeking a totally sustainable way to do this, in addition to spreading an area totally unexplored in terms of sastifação of all the parts solar energy can in this scenario of quemineração can be better will be aparti of the implemented technology of the facite for more information visit the website and read the white paper for more technical details.
The FACITE with Block Chain Business Model, blockchain In Kazakhstan will be Promoting the renewable energy business of the government of Kazakhstan, since since Khan 21 HOLDING has entered the field of solar energy, with the Purchase of a commercial license and to be Selected as an investment company, the city of Talgar with its grandediferençial, a solar power station and a project area of a hydroelectric plant, with the first gate of passage of Korea in Kazakhstan for the final report of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, we can deduce that FACITE is in a position where the leaders are in full acceptance of this new market of opportunities and their solutions, with the Transportation Payment Card License acquired from INNOB CO., Ltd, Introduction and operation of a public transport , Is planned to introduce the payment system U, Data center Ideal environment, low-cost electricity Data center d and electrical equipment with the support of the city About 2 million mining machines are available, lease contract of 49 years, seeking a better in the mining market with abudante sustainable energy the FACITE has one step ahead but in front of all because with several innovations to be exploited would also guarantee a sustainable return.
There are several regions that have been considered not optimal for carrying out mining activities such as China. Population density and the high activity that takes place there make the network system in the country less suitable for use in mining activities. This then led to the idea of finding new mining sites that were very strategic and supported in many factors, especially geographical. The Central Asia Region is the most appropriate choice where Kazakhstan will become a new mining center. Ideal environmental conditions and the availability of adequate resources make this country in accordance with the criteria sought. Therefore, the Kazakhstan government finally agreed to establish a digital asset mining infrastructure in their country to help improve its economy. By involving digital elements, the economy will increase faster and stay in a strong position.
With the implementation of this large project, it is expected that the income generated can meet every need of citizens of Kazakhstan. The effort to build a power plant system will also save more money to pay for personal electricity bills. By building this project seriously and together, there will be more people who can get involved in this activity but not be charged the cost of swollen electricity bills. The benefits obtained through the construction of this project will be allocated in part to empower the community. This will be one of the efforts to introduce a new system to supply electricity from renewable sources. This is a new business model and is the first in the world to seriously work on blockchain technology projects by involving the State government.
🔗 Website: https://www.facite.org/🔗 White Paper: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/8f0e7c_3b99c6eebe30449f9b30e0b477c01848.pdf
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