
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019

Emirex Exchange - Infrastructure for the new digital economy!

Entry It is no secret that the digital economy is booming. In fact, thanks to the digital system, all our actions are carried out much faster, more efficient, easier, etc. The greatest achievement that has been obtained as a result of a digital system is the emergence of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the blockchain and cryptocurrency, it becomes much easier to live, because all transactions become instantaneous, simple, profitable, reliable and transparent. But, despite the many advantages in the crypto industry, there are a number of difficulties, so the public barely perceives this area. Yes, of course, at this moment there are many people who want to join this innovation, but only a small part of these people understand how the blockchain works and how the digital system works. And another category of people doesn't even imagine how you can use all this. In fact, thanks to the digital system, you can solve many of your existing problems. And, therefore, that ...

QUUBE EXCHANGE: The first quantum safe ecosystem and security token Launchpad with the professional exchange platform

This current era that we are has witnessed mass adoption of Technology and innovations, one of which is the blockchain Technology. The era of computers started less than eighty years ago, and currently, almost every home has multiple devices with processors that are much faster than the first multi-stage computing machines. These devices are linked creating global and local networks and showcasing unbelievable abilities of data collection and processing, reaching earlier inaccessible comfort levels for users. Yuri Manin in 1980, suggested the idea of quantum computers and the first model had been worked out by Richard Feynman in 1981.By the beginning of the 21st century, the software industry was ready for quantum computer implementation. Programming languages for the first programs were developed, portraying unbelievable abilities of quantum computers. At the beginning of 2001, the quantum computer performed the Shor’s alogarithm, and this announced the quantum era. _______...


PENGANTAR Banyak hal yang terkadang tidak kita sadari atau mungkin kita menyadari hal itu, tapi membiarkan begitu saja, terutama seiring berjalannya waktu dan kemajuan zaman, udara yang kita hirup mulai tidak sehat terutama di daerah perkotaan, begitu banyak sampah yang yang menumpuk dan tidak adanya kesadaran dari mereka atau kita sendiri untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang bersih, nah dari itu…mulai saat kita harus bekerja bersama, hanya bersama-sama kita dapat mengubah masalah lingkungan saat ini, menyelamatkan habitat kita dan melestarikan sumber daya bumi untuk generasi berikutnya. Carbon Offset Initiative adalah solusi hijau untuk melacak limbah dan data lintas industri. Teknologi Blockchain yang inovatif meningkatkan produktivitas dalam mengumpulkan, melacak, dan mendaur ulang limbah dari berbagai sumber. Misi kami adalah membantu organisasi dan perusahaan menghemat energi, mengurangi biaya, dan membangun nilai komersial yang lebih besar dengan berfokus pada masalah lingkun...

Crypcore - The First Dynamic Coin In The Cryptocurrency Market

People have always been under the impression that cryptocurrencies are scams and useless mainly because they do not have the required knowledge about these digital assets. Another issue that has always limited mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is price volatility. There is a constant fear of losing a lot of your hard-earned money because a certain coin drastically reduced in value. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and it is also the coin that has faced extreme volatility in price. I remember I had invested in Bitcoin before its first case of extreme price fluctuation which saw me incur great losses. Most of my friends who had invested in the new digital asset with me got frustrated and decided to withdraw from exchanges. As much as the main objective is to ensure mass adoption of cryptocurrencies volatility feature has been hindering that. When stable coins were created, they helped solve the issue of price volatility but also brought along a new challenge. Stable coin...

GPM CARBON: Living Planet For Humanity

Water is one of the basic needs for survival but the global water sources are being heavily polluted currently. Water pollution is becoming a widespread problem that is jeopardizing our health as human beings. Research shows that contaminated water takes the lives of more people each year than war and all other forms of violence combined. If we do not wake up and realize the threat that water pollution is posing to our existence, then this problem will persist to 2050, when the global demand for freshwater will be one third greater than it is currently. This morning, I sipped a glass of clean water without realizing that there are people somewhere in the world without clean water to drink. This weighed heavily on me and so, I decided to carry out research and present to you a project that is about to minimize this threat of water pollution globally and at the same time maximize the production of activated carbon. Before I tell you all about this amazing project, let me sho...

CANNACOR : Is The Only Licensed Manufacturer Of Cannabis Products In The World

I am Ris88 , today I will discuss a crypto project called Cannacor, below I will give some more detailed explanations of the Cannacor project INTRODUCTION TO CANNACOR PROJECT The blockchain is captivating, for which it establishes an amazing use on ideas that are spectacular. In essence, adopting the blockchain technology through the cryptocurrency is truly amazing and wonderful. This is basically what Cannacor blockchain platform represents through the improvement of cannabis adoption plans and ideas. The platform is designed to improve the process of shipping, processing and purifying cannibas for users greatly, as the whole supply chain management process, cost and process analysis, genealogical optimization and planning as with product consistency. This basically creates the right paradigm shift for users to explore. It creates the framework paradigm for users through making cannabis more healthy as a product in general. This is what the platform creates, maintains and e...

Media Sosial Infiltrasi Blockchain. Apa berikutnya?

Media sosial, bersama dengan blockchain dan cryptocurrency (seperti Bitcoin), bisa dibilang adalah penemuan paling revolusioner abad ke-20. Dari Twitter ke Facebook, dan Reddit ke Instagram, jika Anda tidak menggunakan media sosial, apakah Anda bahkan orang lagi? Kami hanya bercanda - meskipun kadang-kadang rasanya seperti kita semua hanya akan pudar menjadi tidak ada, à la Avengers: Infinity War, jika media sosial tiba-tiba menghilang! Secara alami, kedatangan blockchain telah mulai merambah ke dunia media sosial juga. Dengan privasi menjadi masalah yang berkembang di dunia yang semakin terhubung dan online, beberapa platform media sosial berbasis blockchain memasarkan diri mereka sebagai alternatif yang sempurna. Dan kemudian kita memiliki platform media sosial berbasis VR. Penemuan yang lebih baru - tetapi lebih dari itu dalam satu detik. Kita tahu bahwa blockchain menyusup ke media sosial. Apa berikutnya? Berpegangan kuat! _____________________________________________...

Freelanex - Blockchain generasi berikutnya adalah pilihan terbaik di dunia freelancer!

Freelanex adalah platform modern dan terdesentralisasi yang menyediakan sistem ekologis pada blockchain. Ini merupakan peluang unik untuk menyatukan transaksi menggunakan sistem desentralisasi dengan kontrak pintar, melalui antarmuka pengguna yang nyaman. Proyek Freelanex memperkenalkan sistem transaksi yang transparan dan andal, dan hak perlindungan karyawan melindungi pekerja lepas dari praktik curang dan tidak berprinsip - karenanya, situasi win-win di kedua sisi. ____________________________________________________________________________ Freelanex menghubungkan jutaan pekerja lepas di seluruh dunia dengan peluang kerja melalui lingkungan kerja nyata yang dirancang untuk mendorong kolaborasi, transparansi, dan pembayaran yang aman. Freelanex memanfaatkan kekuatan blockchain dan kecerdasan buatan untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja online terbesar dan paling dapat diandalkan untuk freelancer sementara, memungkinkan mereka untuk berinvestasi dan mendapatkan manfaat yang...